Friday, December 21, 2007

Chuckie, I'm in here!

Chuck woke up about 1:45 last night needing to go out, this isn't too unusual so once I cleared the fog from my brain and realized that he wasn't going to stop the incessant yipping I dragged by ass out of bed and let him outside. He came back in a few minutes later, I gave him a cookie and all seemed well.

Ten minutes later he started again and before I realized what I was doing I hollered at him to GO TO BED. Have to say Jenna didn't really appreciate that, oops. It did wake her up enough that she got up to let him out again (sometimes he forgets he went outside to go and just wanders around).

Sadly this didn't end the Chuckie yipping, he started up again about 20 minutes after Jenna let him in. This time I thought maybe he was in some pain from his arthritis so I got up gave him some aspirin and some hip rubs (aren't I so nice - it was f'in 2:30 in the morning by then). He seemed to calm down so I went back to bed. As soon as I got comfy he started one more time. This time I finally realized what was going on. Chuckie gets lost. If I am in any particular room he tries so follow me but sometimes he doesn't notice and when he realizes that he is alone he starts yipping and freaking out so I have to holler for him and let him know where I am. So for the last trip out of bed last night I went into the kitchen (where Chuckie was on a nice comfy bed already), urged him to get up and follow me to the living room. Then I had him lay down in the living room bed where he usually sleeps. He did a couple of groans and tail thumps and then happily went to sleep for the rest of the night.

We do love the doofy old man but I swear he only has two brain cells and they haven't met each other in a while.

1 comment:

wildtomato said...

You've been tagged. See my blog for details, and feel free to ignore it.

Chuckie is such a sweet old man, although I don't know if I'd have the same sentiment if he woke me up that much at night.