Thursday, June 21, 2007


So far all of our Charlie issues are about poop. The poo in the garage was not a one-time incident. I cleaned up some poo again last night and Jenna discovered a pile I must have missed this morning.

I am mostly blaming myself - I haven't been taking him for a morning walk. I abhor getting up in the morning so it is a bit of a challenge for me but since he doesn't seem to go in the backyard in the morning a walk it will be. Dragging my sleepy, lazy ass out of bed has to be easier that cleaning up dog poo in the house, right?

This morning the crabby old lady down the street who jealously guards the sanctity of her strip of crab grass between the sidewalk the street chewed us out again. This is the fourth time, the first three times Harley was just sniffing around. This time I forgot where we were (two dogs are harder to keep track of than one - and it was MORNING) and Harley was actually taking a dump. I think the lady about had a stroke. After this mornings encounter I don't think we will be inviting each other over for BBQs!

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