Tuesday, June 19, 2007


So I have learned two new things about Charlie. One good, one not so good.

Good news first - Charlie is only 12! Russell must have told me wrong or I misunderstood but I read through his vet records and his birth date is listed as 2/1995. That gives me hope that he will be around a bit longer. He has pretty advanced arthritis though, I think I will take him into the vet to see what kind of treatment options we have and get him eating a better food and some glucosimine supplements.

Bad news - and you will be glad that there is no picture with this post. Charlie has the runs ... Why do I have pets? And no I didn't find out on a walk, or by picking poo up in the back yard - he managed to get into the garage today and dig up a hanging planter box (which like most of my pots had dead plants in it). As I was thinking about how to clean that up I noticed some nastiness all over the stuff sack that has sleeping bags in it waiting to be put away since our last trip. And then I saw nastiness somewhere else, and he managed to tip the broom over and poo all over that also. It was quite a clean-up job. I am really hoping that the sleeping bag I used to love survives this little challenge.


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