Friday, July 6, 2007

I was severely punished for eating at Burger King today

I did a bit of shopping after work today and when I was done I was STARVING and nipped into BK before heading home. I felt a bit guilty, I am supposed to be restricting my caloric intake but I figured I would take the dogs for a nice walk and it would all even out.

Oh no - no evening out happened. I was punished. I was informed in no uncertain terms that I would never eat at BK again. BK will forever be linked to the horror that was my kitchen when I arrived home.

See this cute dog?

Well today he decided to rummage around in a box and eat almost THREE POUNDS of dog biscuits. I guess they didn't set so well in his stomach. I came home to piles and puddles and paw prints of poo all over my kitchen. It was a bit overwhelming. On the floor, the dog bed, the oven ....

He is still having a few problems

1 comment:

wildtomato said...

Bleh! How awful to have to come home to poo on the oven! I hope Chuck is feeling better now.