Thursday, July 5, 2007

Oh, to be deaf

At about 12:30 last night I realized that the happiest creature in my household was the old dog. It was hot, he had his dinner late, he never got a proper walk - so it wasn't a particularly good day for him but he was content to lie in front of the fan and snooze while the rest of us were on edge and yelling or muttering.

The old dog is blissfully deaf. The rest of us suffered through hours and hours of neighborhood firework displays and handguns shooting off. We discovered that Harley has a particular bark for each type of fireworks. The little whizzing bottle rockets only warranted a growly rumble but the huge booming WHERE THE HELL DID THEY BUY THOSE THINGS fireworks resulted in a full-on hair up barrage of alarm barking.

Next year we all get Xanax.


wildtomato said...

Mingus will be taking the Xanax with y'all. He was reduced to a shivering, sniveling mess during our vacation. His instinct was to crawl to the highest place at the house when he heard a firework explode.

harleymom said...

Like everything else that bothers her Harley BARKED BARKED BARKED at them. Our neighborhood in Berkeley was pretty quite so we haven't had to deal with fireworks in a while, but it was CRAZY here.